Project Cal Memorial Stadium

Berkeley, California

The project consisted of underpinning and bracing of the historical 86 year old stadium wall facade as well as temporary shoring wall systems to allow the demolition of the existing stadium and reconstruction of a state-of-the-art football stadium.


Service Type:

Project Scope:

September 2012

Foundation, Ground Treatment

Soil Nail Wall, Micropiles, Cutter Soil Mixing, Jet Grouting, Soldier Pile Walls with Lagging, Tiebacks and Underpinning.

Underpinning and bracing

This DTDS contract was awarded in November, 2010 and completed September, 2012. The project consisted of underpinning and bracing of the historical 86 year old stadium wall façade as well as temporary shoring wall systems to allow the demolition of the existing stadium and reconstruction of a state-of-the-art football stadium. Shoring systems included hand dug shoring pits, soil nail walls, micropile foundation supports, CIDH piers, above grade steel bracing structures, and soldier beam and lagged walls. Ground improvements included soil mixing and jet grouting technologies. Cal Memorial Stadium straddles the Hayward Fault. The shoring systems and 80-foot tall historical wall weathered 3 earthquakes over the course of the project without incident.

University of California, Berkeley, Brian Main, Capital Projects Manager
General Contactor
Webcor Builders, Steve Newburn, Vice President
Tuan & Robinson Structural Engineers, Alan Robinson, Project Engineer
DTDS Project Manager
Darin Gossett P.E.