Mining & Tunneling
The same guiding principles that helped Drill Tech become a top 10 foundation contractor—according to Engineering News-Record’s Top Specialty Contractors list—can be seen in Drill Tech’s Mining & Tunneling Division (DTM&T).
Drill Tech's Mining & Tunneling Division has been involved in numerous public and private projects, including the Two Mile Bar Tunnel for the Oakdale Irrigation District, Tunnel Stabilization Phases 1, 2 & 4 for the South Coast Water District in Laguna Beach, and various projects at the Barrick Cortez Hills Underground Mine in Nevada.
Drill Tech Drilling & Shoring, Inc. is a recognized leader in the foundation and excavation industry.
We have constructed tunnels and shafts ranging from 6 to over 30 feet in diameter, utilizing a wide range of excavation techniques including drill and blast, hand spading, road header and excavator. Drill Tech is also experienced in a wide range of ground support types including steel sets, lattice girders, shotcrete, liner plate, timber sets, and rock bolts.
Drill Tech’s Mining & Tunneling Division is a full-service development and production contractor providing portals, declines, tunnels, shafts, mine infrastructure, and rehabilitation.
Drill Tech Owns a fleet of mining equipment
Drill Tech’s fleet of owned mining equipment includes numerous late model haul trucks, jumbos, LHDs, bolters and shotcrete equipment, plus shaft sinking equipment including stage hoists, shaft jumbos, and Cryderman muckers.
Drill Tech has significant experience in excavating and supporting new and existing tunnels.
Experienced in excavating and tunneling
In addition to extensive experience in excavation and tunneling, Drill Tech is also experienced providing retrofit services in tunnels as diverse as small water tunnels, long railroad tunnels in remote areas, and large caverns. Drill Tech can provide tunnel drilling and tunnel boring services in numerous ground types, with excavation methods ranging from hand work to drill and blast, to roadheader. Our support options include rock bolts, chain link, lattice girder, shotcrete, steel ribs, and continuous lagging.
Shafts are vertical openings commonly constructed at the sending and/or receiving ends of new tunnel or pipeline construction.
support options for shafts
They enable the supply of equipment, personnel, material, and support systems for tunneling activities. Drill Tech has significant experience in excavating and supporting shafts to depths of over 1,000 feet in numerous ground types, including “gassy” shafts. Support options for shafts range from CSM and secant wall support to overburden, rock anchors, steel sets, and shotcrete and concrete in rock, in dewatered ground conditions.