Project West Warm Springs

Thermopolis, Wyoming

New Era Petroleum’s West Warm Springs project consists of a 910 feet deep shaft, shaft station, underground tunnels and drill stations for the purposes of extracting oil.


Service Type:

Project Scope:

November 2013

Drilled Shafts

Tunnel and Shaft

Underground tunnels and drill station

New Era Petroleum’s West Warm Springs project consists of a 910 feet deep shaft, shaft station, underground tunnels and drill stations for the purposes of extracting oil. Drill Tech was contracted to design and construct the shaft and shaft station, the headframe and hoist foundations, as well as starter tunnels. Drill Tech successfully completed the construction of the intricate and up to 10’ thick concrete foundations for the hoists and headframe in the Wyoming winter. Shaft excavation was carried out using conventional drill and blast sinking techniques staged from a five level sinking platform that housed a drill jumbo and a Cryderman mucker. The concrete liner was installed in 20 foot lifts from the work deck during sinking, using concrete from a Drill Tech onsite batch plant. The starter tunnels were completed using jack leg drills and a mini excavator and were supported with rock bolts and shotcrete.

New Era Petroleum, Joe McPhie, Chief Operating Officer
General Contactor
Drill Tech Drilling & Shoring, Inc. , Brett Mainer
Brett Mainer