Project Transbay Transit Center Project

San Francisco, California

This project involved the construction of a three story above grade structure.


Service Type:

Project Scope:

February 2014



New Caltrain and high speed rail

This project involved the construction of a three story above grade structure to serve primarily as a bus terminal with a roof garden, and a deep underground box structure to serve as the new Caltrain and high speed rail terminus. DTDS constructed 1,896 – 200 Kip micropiles at 70 foot lengths, which proof tested to 308 kips and performance tested to 560 kips. DTDS worked within a deep excavation with internal bracing. Many of the micropiles were installed in low overhead conditions. Variable subsurface conditions existed including loose sands, bay mud, dense sands, stiff to very stiff clay.

Transbay Joint Powers Authority
General Contactor
Balfour Beatty Infrastructure , Ural Yal, Project Manager
Drill Tech Drilling & Shoring, Inc., Steve McCullough, Project Engineer
DTDS Project Manager
Steve McCullough, P.E.