Ryan Carroll, PE
Ryan began his work with Drill Tech a decade ago as a Project Engineer, providing onsite supervision of tunnel and shaft construction. Currently, in addition to his Project Management responsibilities, Ryan also contributes to estimating, design, and drafting. His operations primarily consist of drill/blast and mechanical excavation. While at Drill Tech, Ryan’s projects have been located all throughout the United States, including California, Tennessee, Nevada, Colorado, and the State of Washington.
Ryan's Featured Projects
NAVFAC Navy RR Culverts Ph. 1 | Shelton, WA
Project Manager
The purpose of this project is to replace two existing culverts under an active rail line with fish passage culvert tunnels. The project included two horseshoe shaped tunnels with overall lengths of 160' and 235'. The 20' wide by 15' tall tunnels were supported using liner plate with internal steel sets, including invert struts and a full width concrete invert. Tunnel excavation was completed using mechanical methods in alluvium type soils, utilizing grouted canopy tubes for pre-excavation support ahead of excavation. The final condition included a partial liner of reinforced shotcrete as scour protection for stream flow.
CHUG 3800 Ore Bins | Elko, NV
project Manager
As part of the CHUG 3800 Expansion Project, Drill Tech constructed (5) 60' ore bins to connect the haulage and conveyance levels of the Cortez Hills Underground Mine. Ore bins were excavated using drill/blast methods, utilizing an initial 10' diameter drop raise at each ore bin location before slashing to the final 20' x 20' square dimensions. All work was completed using Drill Tech designed hoisting systems and work platforms necessary to support vertical work within the mine. Ore bin support consisted of rock bolts, wire mesh, and shotcrete, with a final liner composed of Alloycrete abrasion resistant shotcrete.
Discharge Water Siphon Project | Kingsport, TN
project Manager
Eastman Chemical contracted Drill Tech to design and construct a new water conveyance tunnel to bypass an undersized and structurally deficient box culvert. Since the culvert had been constructed 80+ years ago, the area over and around the culvert had numerous critical pipes installed, requiring the replacement tunnel. The project consisted of roadheader excavation for a 14' diameter x 140' long tunnel and two secant pile shafts up to 70' deep, sheet pile cofferdams, and cast in place concrete inlet and outlet works. All work was completed within the active chemical plant including a live tap to divert water into the new siphon structure.
Kingsport Raw Water Intake | Kingsport, TN
project engineer
For a new raw water intake structure, Drill Tech installed a 40' deep, 24' diameter shaft and two short tunnels at the edge of the South Fork Holston River. From the shaft, a 9' diameter horseshoe tunnel was driven 1,100' from the river to the existing water treatment plant on the opposite side of TN State Route 93. Excavation was a combination of drill/blast and roadheader, with ground support consisting of rock bolts and shotcrete with some steel sets. Close proximity blasting techniques were implemented to protect the existing intake structure. From the surface at the treatment facility, (4) 48" diameter shafts were drilled down to intersect the tunnel. Mechanical piping, electrical pumps, and CIP concrete structures were installed to pump water vertically into the treatment facility for processing.