Kyle White, CEG
Kyle possesses over a decade of experience in the underground construction industry. His experience includes the construction of new vertical shafts and tunnels using SEM, drill/blast method, and mechanical excavation (e.g. roadheader), including numerous water conveyance/storage tunnels. As a Certified Engineering Geologist in the State of California, Mr. White specializes in planning and implementation of SEM excavation techniques through highly variable geology, and developing ground support methods that include temporary spiling, rock dowels, steel arch sets, lattice girders, and reinforced shotcrete/concrete liners.
Kyle's Featured Projects
Milestone Reservoir & Pump Station | Ashburn, VA
Project Manager
This project consists of the drill/blast excavation of a new 30' diameter and 275' deep vertical shaft and three new tunnels totaling 2,400 LF in length. Drill Tech utilized various initial and final support systems for both the shaft and tunnels, including shotcrete, resin rock bolts, and reinforced concrete. This project also includes construction of a new vertical shaft using raise bore methods and installing a 42" and 36" diameter steel water pipe in the shaft and tunnels.
OID Tunnels 3 & 4 Rehabilitation | Oakdale, CA
Project Manager
Drill Tech installed permanent tunnel portal shoring and rehabilitation on two unlined tunnels to enhance long-term stability for future irrigation water deliveries, where the site required a strict completion deadline during canal shutdown. The shoring work consisted of approximately 4,700 SF of permanent reinforced shotcrete facing and soil nail installation across four walls. Tunnel rehabilitation included re-excavation (enlarging) of one tunnel to approximately 9' in width x 10' in height at 805' long using a roadheader. Permanent ground support in the tunnel consisted of fiber-reinforced shotcrete liner and fiber-reinforced concrete invert slab. Drill Tech also installed a fiber-reinforced concrete slab in a nearby tunnel at 1,447' long.
Long Tunnel Upstream Portal | Oakdale, CA
Project Manager
Drill Tech installed permanent shoring to stabilize an existing irrigation water tunnel portal. Permanent shoring included approximately 10,000 SF of cement-grouted rock dowels and fiber-reinforced shotcrete. The work was performed with extremely limited access and required the use of high-reach rock drills. Drill Tech completed the work within a limited timeframe of a winter canal outage.